Wall in front of number 2 Wilbury Avenue
Wall in front of number 2 Wilbury Avenue
Walls in front of numbers 4 to 16 Wilbury Avenue
Wall on north side of Warren Avenue
Wall on north side of Warren Avenue
Wall on north side of Warren Avenue
North-west garden wall to Devonshire House
Wall to number 3 Onslow Avenue
Wall between numbers 3 and 11 Onslow Avenue
Wall in front of number 11 Onslow Avenue
38 St Mary Axe
(Q27085726) [Wikimedia listing still has this building as 40 St Mary Axe, but English Heritage has the correct address.]JO2A3049.JPG
12 and 13 Devonshire Square, EC2
23 Great Winchester Street
[The gentlemen on door duty assures me that there are no buildings numbered 24 or 25 on Great Winchester Street, so the English Heritage listing is confusing.]JO2A3070.JPG
12 Austin Friars, EC2
13 Austin Friars, EC2
13 Austin Friars, EC2
14 Austin Friars, EC2
23 Austin Friars, EC2
1 to 3 Finch Lane, EC3
1 and 3 Royal Exchange Buildings, EC3